Sunday, July 27, 2008

It's been a long, long time...

I can't believe how long it's been since I've been on here. I have been frustrated by my inability to get photo's to upload and life has gotten in the way.

Spencer is doing good. He has had a full recovery and is going to live, however i am about ready to kill him. Ever since his illness he's had an attitude. I am sure he will get over it.

Things have been crazy, i just got done working 9 days in a row so i am enjoying my weekend off.

Last weekend i got to go to CHA, for those of you not involved in the scrapbooking world, that is the Craft & Hobby Association. They put on two shows a year to introduce new products to retailers. I was able to get my hands on a pass to go with my friend Ann. (Even though i manage a scrapbook store i am unable to go). I hear it's expensive. I am thankful that i got to go since this was the last year it was going to be in Chicago. I will share photo's of my favorites later.

It's been a month since we got back from Hilton Head Island and just 55 more days till we leave on the cruise. I can't wait.

I thought i would share some more photo's from HHI.

Monet Boogie Boarding...she did so good and loved it!

Some Adirondack Chairs outside of our lodge.

These are from an amazing store that occurred the 2ND night we were there. I have never successfully photographed lightening until this. I am thrilled with the results!

Have a great weekend...we are off to see The Dark Night today, i can't wait. I love Batman and Christian Bale.


scrapperjen said...

WOW - looks like a wonderful trip - where are you cruising to?
I hope you enjoy Dark Knight - we did.
(visiting from Peas)

. said...

I bet you were so drooling at CHA

Covered In Crafts said...

I love your storm pictures! Mine never come out that nice. I went to CHA in 05. I had a blast but my feet were so worn out. I hope you had comfy shoes. :)

Cathy said...

Hey... how come I missed you at CHA???? DARN IT!