Thursday, February 5, 2009

The $50 photograph.


An interesting day!

My day off, so we decide to get out of the house and head to Woodstock. For those of you not familiar with Woodstock it is a small town not too far from where we live and it is famous because the film Groundhog Day with Bill Murray was filmed there. We decided it would be fun to bring my camera and take some photos of the beautiful countryside. (Insert regret here).

Driving down country road.

Me(Vicky): Oooh, that was pretty.
Joel: Do you want me to turn around?
V: No, that's okay.
J: Are you sure?
V: Okay, yeah, lets.

Turning around.

Pulling off the side of the road. Getting stuck in the snow. And not just stuck. STUCK!
I have a Jeep Liberty. We were STUCK! We couldn't get out.

Not in 4 wheel, not with two big men pushing, not no way, not no how.
Unbelievable...I have never gotten stuck. NEVER. I am freaking out.

We call a tow truck.


I decide i am going to go get that dang photo, after all that is what got us into this mess.

The tow truck arrived (he even had a hard time getting us out) and we paid $50 for his service.

Thus, as seen above, The $50 photo.

I didn't really take anymore photos. I was pretty done.


deb said...

Photograph: $50
Story behind photo: priceless

CindyTykie said...

It's a beautiful $50 photo.

Shell said...

What a bummer... but you got a beautiful photograph! And a good story to go along with it in your scrapbook! lol

Cathy said...

Sorry about your $50.00 dollar photo but quit honestly, the darn photo rocks!!