Saturday, April 19, 2008


Good Morning.
This is Rogue, she is also a rescue from A.D.O.P.T. in Naperville.
She is named for the X-Men character and has a brother named Gambit and a sister named Storm. She and her siblings were abandoned by their mother under our friends deck. Jenn and Scott brought them in and nursed and fostered them till Rogue came to us. Gambit and Storm still live with Jenn and Scott. She is quite an independent young lady and just wants to spend the day in the cat tree in our sun room. She can also be very loving when she wants to be.
I am going to babysit my best friends daughters today, Monet the oldest or 'my baby' as she will always be refered to by me and her baby sister Caitlin who is also my God daughter. I can't wait to go play!

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