Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Congratulations President Elect Barack Obama!

May we see the change we need and have the patience to let it occure.
May we trust in our government to make the right choices not only for the future of our wonderful country but for the world.
I am thankful for the freedoms i have and especially the right to vote, i am happy to live in this time.
I am excited to see what will happen in the next 4 years.
God Bless America.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

How is it that my word verification is "brack"? It kind of fits the ROCK ON the post,don't you think?

Hope all is well with you. I don't have blog access at work anymore so I don't get out here much. It really stinks!!

If you don't email me back soon, I'm going to get a complex. HA!